How business should be...

Live the dream, not the nightmare.

Hear about my perspective on business

With over 30 years business experience across 200+ industries, Russel Nouveau has seen business in all its forms.

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Nutopia- The Future of Business

The way business should be

Private companies today are changing. There is a shift occurring in the minds of business owners.
They want to evolve to collaborative, community building, holistic success, not just financial success.
This is in tune with the worldwide acceptance of climate change. We just can’t continue our decimation of the earth’s air and water. What we’re going to see is a fundamental mind shift to holistic responsibility and caring attitude for others that will permeate aspects of business and business structures for the decades ahead.

How will a W3 business philosophy change things?

  • W3 businesses promote win win win outcomes
  • W3 businesses are ecological, people focussed, community invested
  • W3 businesses keep score with a balanced scorecard for community and environment outcomes as well as financial outcomes
10 world problems
October 20, 2018

World’s 10 Most Serious Problems

World’s 10 Most Serious Problems (according to millennials) are: 1. Climate change / destruction of nature (48.8%) 2. Large-scale conflict / wars (38.9%) 3. Inequality (income, discrimination) (30.8%) 4. Poverty (29.2%) 5. Religious conflicts (23.9%) 6. Government accountability and transparency/corruption (22.7%) 7. Food and water security (18.2%) 8. Lack of education (15.9%) 9. Safety / security / wellbeing (14.1%) 10. …
September 12, 2018

What’s Holding You Back?

Business owners have some typical answers to this question. But only some of it is actually the case. #1. Answer to what’s holding you back: MONEY. If money is the reason for the lack of progress in your life or your business… Borrow it. Now with peer to peer lending, digital loan broking has never been easier or faster. #2. …
collaboration beats competition
August 2, 2018

Collaboration beats Competition

It’s a paradigm shift, but imagine a better business future with your competitors as collaborators. Collaboration can start with a buying agreement to build purchasing power by buying as a group. Collaboration could be extended by deciding on defensible zones or specialisms. Collaboration may even include coordinated marketing to not subvert each other or go head to head in any …